Finite-dimensional approximations of push-forwards on locally analytic functionals and truncation of least-squares polynomials

  • 2024-04-16 18:53:59
  • Isao Ishikawa
  • 0


This paper introduces a theoretical framework for investigating analytic mapsfrom finite discrete data, elucidating mathematical machinery underlying thepolynomial approximation with least-squares in multivariate situations. Ourapproach is to consider the push-forward on the space of locally analyticfunctionals, instead of directly handling the analytic map itself. We establisha methodology enabling appropriate finite-dimensional approximation of thepush-forward from finite discrete data, through the theory of theFourier--Borel transform and the Fock space. Moreover, we prove a rigorousconvergence result with a convergence rate. As an application, we prove that itis not the least-squares polynomial, but the polynomial obtained by truncatingits higher-degree terms, that approximates analytic functions and furtherallows for approximation beyond the support of the data distribution. Oneadvantage of our theory is that it enables us to apply linear algebraicoperations to the finite-dimensional approximation of the push-forward.Utilizing this, we prove the convergence of a method for approximating ananalytic vector field from finite data of the flow map of an ordinarydifferential equation.


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