Test-Time Training for Depression Detection

  • 2024-04-07 21:50:13
  • Sri Harsha Dumpala, Chandramouli Shama Sastry, Rudolf Uher, Sageev Oore
  • 0


Previous works on depression detection use datasets collected in similarenvironments to train and test the models. In practice, however, the train andtest distributions cannot be guaranteed to be identical. Distribution shiftscan be introduced due to variations such as recording environment (e.g.,background noise) and demographics (e.g., gender, age, etc). Suchdistributional shifts can surprisingly lead to severe performance degradationof the depression detection models. In this paper, we analyze the applicationof test-time training (TTT) to improve robustness of models trained fordepression detection. When compared to regular testing of the models, we findTTT can significantly improve the robustness of the model under a variety ofdistributional shifts introduced due to: (a) background-noise, (b) gender-bias,and (c) data collection and curation procedure (i.e., train and test samplesare from separate datasets).


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